Friday, May 22, 2015

Your Morning Motivation and Course Update

I thought these photos turned out pretty well so I posted them hoping it gets you motivated to play some golf as we approach Memorial Weekend. These photos were taken from a teebox Shawn Tordrup rebuilt last fall that sits on the east side of the creek. This tee most likely wont be in play this year, but it provides a nice new perspective to the hole.

 9 Black Bird before morning prep
9 Blackbird after morning prep.
Greens are recovering from aerification at a pretty good pace, especially considering the cool temperatures we have dealt with. Had the temperatures been closer to average recovery would, without a doubt, be a few days further along. We raised the height of cut while the sand worked itself into the canopy and we are working that back down to our regular season height.  Even though the signs of aerification are still evident there is little to no effect on ball roll anymore. As the greens continue to heal we will shift our focus towards getting green speeds back to where we want them for the year.
 Day 1
Day 10

Aerification is always a hassle for golfers so I want to again express how much we appreciate your patience during the process. It is the most important cultural practice we perform on the greens all year.
Mother Nature might throw a few rain showers our way this weekend but by no means is a rain out guaranteed. Get your tee times booked now and enjoy the first official weekend of summer at Indian Creek.

1 comment:

  1. Jim
    I think it would be a good idea to post some of your blogs on a monitor in the clubhouse, along with a cyclical radar screen. this would help keep our customers informed and let people know WHY you do the tiings you do. Most people complain when they don't know the reasons for certain activities or actions.
