Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I took this picture to illustrate just how dry things have gotten this year. This is the transition from green to collar on 5 Gray Hawk. This will seal back up as the soils warm and are able to take up moisture, but this is something I haven't seen in my time as a superintendent. We tank watered the greens last week to keep the crowns and leaves of the plant from desiccating and if we miss out on the moisture predicted over the next week we will be out watering again soon. Unfortunately we don't have the ability to water much more than the greens. I hope this winter weather isn't a foreshadowing of what the growing season has in store for us.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter Tree Work

A big focus for us this winter is the removal of unhealthy trees and trees that have an adverse effect on any valuable turf areas.

Grinding stumps

In order to keep our tree population as free from disease and pests as possible, it is important to remove any trees that show irreversible signs of decline. The removal of these trees eliminates host sites for pests and removes any disease pathogens from the course. This practice will become ever more valuable as we try to fend off the approaching Emerald Ash Borer.

Another important reason to manage the tree population is to provide ideal growing conditions for trees that we deem highly valuable . Its very common to have a number of large trees planted too close to each other. Many times it is important to thin out a few of these trees to provide space for the healthier trees to mature properly.

Here you can see the effects of trees planted too close. Neither of these trees will meet their full potential and one or the other will most likely have to be removed sooner than later.

Lastly, but probably most importantly, the removal of strategic trees can improve turf quality. Not only do tree roots steal valuable nutrients and moisture, but they also impede air flow and help create micro climates that are ripe for disease.

Personally, I love trees and their role on a golf course so it is important to me that we keep as many trees as we possible. It is also very important we continue to develop and implement good tree health programs so the trees we have can continue to thrive.

The guys have been working hard chipping what we have dropped over the last couple years.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Dessication and Direct Cold Temperature Injury

Lately I have frequently been asked how I think the course is overwintering. Although I feel we have overwintered well to this point, there are some issues that have me very concerned.

The most pressing of the concerns is winter desiccation. Desiccation occurs when roots cannot provide enough water to replace what the crowns and shoots loose. We have been without any measurable moisture for far too long. Combine this lack of moisture with high temps an winds and we are approaching  a time for concern. With no measurable moisture in any long term forecasts we may have no other option than to start hand watering the greens next week. We will haul water to the greens in our sprayers and apply by hand.  This is a time consuming process but the possible benefits make it worth while. I would love to use the irrigation system to supplement the tees, fairways, and rough but that could be at a huge cost to the integrity of the underground piping. The freezing temps would wreak havoc on a charge irrigation system and the costs of repair would far exceed the cost of reseeding any winter damage.

Winter desiccation damage. Notice the wheel tracking. Keeping traffic off these areas is very important.

There are risks to dormant watering that we must be aware of however. Too much supplemental water could provide enough moisture to the plant to catalyze both intracellular and extracellular ice formation. Anytime we experience warm weather coupled with too much available moisture, the crown of the plant runs the risk of hydrating. If this warm weather is followed by a dramatic drop in temperature, there is a risk of ice formation within the plant. The rapid formation of Intracellular ice (ice within the cell) causes mechanical damage to the cell wall and results in cell death. The formation of Extracellular ice (ice between the cell walls) is an equilibrium process meaning that the formation of ice between the cells pulls water from within the cell causing cell desiccation. This desiccation over time can result in a weakened and damaged cell. The correction application of water is very important.

Another issue that concerns me is that these extremely cold stretches we have experienced this year have all been preceded by a short stretch of above-average temperatures. This last arctic blast was proceeded by a couple days in the 50's and 60's and along with those temps came the melting of what little snow cover we had.

The loss of snow cover compounds many issues. The most obvious is that we lose the protective and insulting benefits that snow cover gives us. Snow cover provides good protection to the plant from the extreme cold temperatures as well as the desiccating winter winds. With as little moisture as we have had over the last few seasons, any protection from desiccation is very important.

Fortunately this is not our course but is an example of freezing injury on turfgrass.

Bentgrass has the ability to withstand much lower temperatures than ryegrass so, unlike with desiccation, my initial concern is not for the greens but for the fairways. My level of concern is not alarming at this point because I am not sure that these previous periods of warmth were long enough to cause hydration and it has been so dry. Also the fact that they happened in the dead of winter when the plant was at its highest level of dormancy versus the spring when the plant is preparing to break dormancy will hopefully help our case. On that same note however, it appears we are going to have temperatures well above normal in the near future. If these high temperatures linger long enough and there is sufficient moisture, we could have a problem on our hands.

Preventing winter damage can be very difficulty since our control options are extremely limited. Predicting winter damage is also very difficult. We will do our best to protect everything we can and wait for spring to see the results of what is shaping up to be a difficult winter. Pray for some snow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trailer Fabrication

I would like to thank Randy Robbins and Kurtis Burden for designing and fabricating a trailer for the maintenance crew to use. They took an old pull-behind tank sprayer, gutted it, and repurposed it for use as an on-course trailer. We now have the ability to haul extremely heavy equipment anywhere on the course.

This will really pay off when we reach the aerification/venting processes. Transporting our greens aerifier from one hole to the next is very time consuming and limits our ability to needle time during the summer months. This trailer helps alleviate that issue and makes the process much more convenient.

These are the behind-the-scenes processes that often times go unnoticed and, as a result, unappreciated by the golfer. Not only did these guys save the golf course money we would have used to buy a new trailer, but they also saved us time working on the course and, as we all know, time is money.